Parents » About the Parent Center

About the Parent Center

Christina Garcia, Parent Community Representative


Hi! My name is Christina Garcia and I am the Community Representative at Lake Balboa College Preparatory Magnet K-12. I serve as the liaison between parents and school staff. I coordinate monthly Coffee with the Principal meetings, and Parent Workshops throughout the school year for parents to attend. The Parent Workshops are geared to provide parents with information and resources on different topics. 


You can find me in the Parent Center, you can reach me by calling 818-342-6133, ext. 115 or by emailing me at: [email protected]


Parent(s)/Guardian(s)/Grandparent(s)/Community Member(s) interested in volunteering at our school, please visit this website for more information:


To access the Parent Portal and Schoology, click on this link:


Feel free to contact me with any questions.