Athletics » Basketball, Boys

Basketball, Boys

Our new Boys Basketball coach is Matthew Efrati. All returning players & any new players who want to be on our 2024-2025 LBCP Cougar Varsity & JV must do their new Sports Athletic Participation Packet ASAP. NOW! DO NOT WAIT! Everything must be redone in order for anybody to do anything with Coach Matthew. Be ready to go! Do not waste time waiting to clear your eligibility.
What to Bring: Your new paperwork, plenty of water, "proper" shoes, a beach towel to crash on the grass, sunscreen, a basketball (unless you are REALLY into conditioning), your friends that you want to play with, your game, & your BIG CAT-titude! Snarly man! Muscle up!
Watch this page for upcoming basketball news & events! Questions? Email Coach Matthew at [email protected] or text AD Mike Soto at 818-434-9868.